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Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements

Published Date: November 13, 2012

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Business Analysis and Valuation:  Using Financial Statements, 5th edition.

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Co-Authored by Krishna Palepu and Paul Healy (Cengage 2012)

Business Analysis and Valuation by Krishna Palepu and Paul Healy is the premier textbook used for teaching business valuation in MBA programs across the world. Business Analysis and Valuation is unique in that it provides a link between accounting and valuation and corporate strategy.

It won the American Accounting Association‘s Wildman Award  for its impact on management practice, as well as the Notable Contribution to the Accounting Literature Award for its impact on academic research.  This book has been translated into Chinese, Japanese, and Spanish, and is accompanied by a business analysis and valuation software model  published by the Harvard Business School Publishing Company.

The 5th Edition was released in August 2012, and is available on Cengage.com, Amazon, and other booksellers.

OverviewBUSINESS ANALYSIS & VALUATION: USING FINANCIAL STATEMENTS, TEXT & CASES, 5E by Krishna Palepu and Paul Healy allows you to undertake financial statement analysis using a four-part framework

(1) business strategy analysis for developing an understanding of a firm’s competitive strategy;

(2) accounting analysis for representing the firm’s business economics and strategy in its financial statements, and for developing adjusted accounting measures of performance;

(3) financial analysis for ratio analysis and cash flow measures of operating; and

(4) prospective analysis. Then, you’ll learn how to apply these tools in a variety of decision contexts, including securities analysis, credit analysis, corporate financing policies analysis, mergers and acquisitions analysis, and governance and communication analysis.

This text also offers one Harvard case per chapter as well as an entirely separate section (Section 4) for additional cases

Business Analysis and Valuation 2e: IFRS Edition

The new edition of Business Analysis and Valuation  by Krishna Palepu and Paul Healy builds on the strong success of the first IFRS edition, providing students with the knowledge of how to use financial statement information to assess a firm’s financial performance, value, and creditworthiness.

The distinctive strengths of this text include a large number of real-world cases used to illustrate theory; the step-by-step analysis methodology, and the extensive discussion of strategy analysis. The presentation of material is based on business analysis before financial analysis, which ensures that financial analysis is approached in a real-world manner and is driven by strategy. The pedagogy is geared toward helping students to develop strong practical skills using current applications and supported by the extra interactive material on the companion website.

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